Bohr's Atomic Model

Rutherford, explain!

Accelerating charges ought to loose energy in the form of γ rays.

What, then, makes the atom stable?

Rutherford, explain!

Even if the atom did loose energy, it should have been continuous...

... which it wasn't.

We need a better theory.

Bohr's Postulates

  1. Electrons in atoms orbit the nucleus in circular orbits.
  2. There exists discrete stationary orbits in which the electrons orbit stably without radiating.
    • It turns out that the angular momentum of these orbits are multiples of ħ
  3. When electrons jump from orbit to orbit, they emit/lose energy according to Plank radiation.



Plugging in the radius gives the velocity,


Matter Waves

Matter Waves

Seen carefully enough, electrons produce diffraction patterns.

deBroglie's Justification

Not the end...

Location Sharing

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